Casal de instagramers morre ao cair de um penhasco

Casal de instagramers morre ao cair de um penhasco

O casal estaria a tirar uma selfie quando cairam de uma altura de 250 metros

 Vishnu Viswanath, de 29 anos, e Meenakshi Moorthy, de 30, ambos de nacionaidade indiana, morreram esta terça-feira na sequência de uma queda de 250 metros no Parque Nacional de Yosemite, nos Estados Unidos.

As autoridades pensam que o casal poderia estar a tentar tirar uma selfie à beira do penhasco, uma vez que o Viswanath e Moorthy tinham uma conta de Instagram onde publicavam fotografias à volta do mundo. No entanto as causas do acidente ainda não são conhecidas, avança a BBC.

Os corpos foram encontrados pelos seguranças que patrulhavam a zona inferior dos penhascos.


"If you see past the wrinkles, you can find the twinkles ✨ If you look beyond weary winters, you can sight the summer sunshine ☀️ And if you fancy a fairytale, fight for it, I promise you will find it. 🌹" – 🖋Minaxi 💕 … When someone says “Love is not a fairytale”, the romantic in me often feels disappointed and dejected. 🥀Of course I agree that love doesn’t always come easy, but who said fairytales ✨ had it rosy all the time? 😊After all fairy tales have their share of sadness as well, but aren’t the endings what defines them to be a “fairy-tale” ✨? 😍 … The dreamy and delirious love ❤️ promised to us is not something we chance 🌹upon. It has always been something for us to create 🌹 … Here’s to creating our own fairytales 💕and living out our happilyeverafters 💕 as fascinating as the fantasies that flicker in our imagination 💕 • • • #brooklynbotanicgarden #iamtb #pinkpositivelight #whyilovenyc #unlimitednewyork #forloveandtravels #nyclovers #loves_ny #newyorkcitylife #peopleofnewyork #peopleoftravel #travelzoo #dreamscape #travelust #getoutandphoto #sakuramatsuri #coupleslovetravel #belovedstories #travelawesome #travelsandchill #seeyourcity #thediscoverer #wanderful #magicplace #explorationgram #happilyeverafter #travelingcouples #couplestravel #thehappylife #youandiwanderlust

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