McNamara congratula Koxa depois de este ter batido o seu recorde mundial

McNamara congratula Koxa depois de este ter batido o seu recorde mundial

McNamara utilizou o seu Instagram para dar os parabéns a Rodrigo Koxa

McNamara, surfista norte-americano e recordista mundial da maior onda surfada na Nazaré, foi hoje ultrapassado pelo surfista brasileiro Rodrigo Koxa. McNamara utilizou o seu instagram para dar os parabéns a Koxa.

“Não existe um 'spot' de grandes ondas para o surf que mereça recorde além da Nazaré. Ela [a onda] é desafiadora, majestosa, massiva e qualquer outro adjetivo relacionado com ser monstruoso e misterioso. Tão, tão especial!!!”, escreveu o surfista norte-amerciano, recordando o dia em que chegou à Nazaré e encontrou a maior onda do mundo.

“Quando o Rodrigo veio pela primeira vez ao Havai, veio para minha casa e compartilhei com ele toda a minha experiência, por uns anos. Depois ele veio para a Nazaré, tão humilde e grato. Uma das pessoas mais gratas que eu já encontrei”, afirmou, acrescentando que Rodrigo é “um exemplo vivo de gratidão que o levará mais longe do que qualquer outro traço de personalidade”.

"Parabéns Rodrigo Koxa", rematou.


The day I arrived in Nazare, so crazy, only 8 years ago. I knew we had just found the biggest wave in the world. For years there was no one out and not a single soul at the light house. Most days I was the only surfer in the town and would surf alone. @andrew_cotty would join me on certain swells and eventually @hugovau . There was also @josegregoriosurf @rubengonzi and @al_mennie in the beginning. Even after Cotty put me on the Guinness World record wave it would still be a couple years until the big wave community believed and then finally joined us in Nazare. There is no big wave surf spot that deserves to have the record besides Nazare. She is challenging, majestic, massive and every other adjective that has to do with being monstrous and mysterious. So, so special!!! She is the 8th wonder of the world and I am so happy for her (NAZARE) I am so proud you @rodrigokoxa won biggest wave this year!!! When Rodrigo first came to Hawaii he lived with me at my house and I shared all my experience with him for years. Then he came to Nazare, so humble and grateful. One of the most grateful people I have ever come across. He is now a living example that gratitude will take you farther than any other personality trait. His gratitude and humbleness has paid off ten fold. His eagerness and willingness to ask for guidance and learn everything has gotten him where he is tonight. Congrats @rodrigokoxa and #nazare. #wsl #xxlbigwaveawards #bigwaveawards2018 #gratitudeisthebestattitude

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