Pete, o cão que morreu a salvar o dono de um urso

Pete, o cão que morreu a salvar o dono de um urso

O cão tinha 14 anos e morreu como um herói.

Pete, um cão de raça Setter inglês, morreu a defender o seu dono, Stephen Parisi, e um grupo de cachorros de um ataque de urso, revela o jornal britânico The Independent.

Stephen Parisi foi com Pete e os outros cães bebés passear na reserva natural de Monksville, em Nova Jérsia, nos EUA, quando avistaram um urso negro que avançou para atacar.

O dono fugiu com os cachorros para os pôr a salvo enquanto o Setter inglês ficou a lutar com o urso. “Quando deixei os cachorros em segurança, voltei para ir buscar o Pete, que já estava gravemente ferido”, escreveu o dono numa página de Facebook dedicada ao cão.

Pete, que já tinha 14 anos, acabou por não resistir aos ferimentos e morreu já no hospital veterinário.


Below is an account from my husband of yesterdays pack walk. "Today we lost our brave, old man Pete. The dogs surprised a black bear just off the trail while we were hiking this morning. It must not have heard or smelled us with the pouring rain. It felt threatened and turned around. Pete stepped up and held off the bear until I could get the other dogs to safety. Once I was sure they were safe, I went back and scared the bear off, but Pete was gravely injured. I was able to get him back down to the main trail and, thanks to Cathi and Kate, we were able to get him in a car and to the hospital pretty quickly. He held on like a real trooper the whole time, and he was never alone in his pain. The x-rays revealed some pretty bad spinal damage that would mean he could never walk again, if he survived all the surgeries (not a certain thing at his age). We decided it was best to let him go this afternoon. Run free Pete, you no longer have all those aches and pains of old age. You had a great 18 months with us running the days away like you loved." Please light a candle for Pete and remember that fostering and rescuing a dog can sometimes save you. Senior dogs have so much to give. Love you Petey. Save me some cheese for when we see each other again. ❤️💔❤️

Uma publicação partilhada por Me & My Shadow Pets (@mmspets) a