As imagens do último adeus ao príncipe Filipe
© The modified Landrover hearse carries the coffin as members of the Royal Family follow behind during the ceremonial funeral procession of Britain’s Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle in Windsor, west of London, on April 17, 2021. – Philip, who was married to Queen Elizabeth II for 73 years, died on April 9 aged 99 just weeks after a month-long stay in hospital for treatment to a heart condition and an infection. (Photo by JUSTIN TALLIS / various sources / AFP) BRITAIN-ROYALS-PHILIP-FUNERAL
Os britânicos disseram, este sábado, adeus ao príncipe Filipe, o duque de Edimburgo, que faleceu aos 99 anos, num funeral discreto, com umas meras 30 pessoas, em vez das 800 inicialmente previstas, devido às restrições contra a covid-19.