Nike assina contrato com atleta com paralisia cerebral

Nike assina contrato com atleta com paralisia cerebral

“Para quem cresceu com uma deficiência, a ideia de vir a ser um atleta profissional era, como já disse antes, comparável a escalar o Everest”

Um corredor da Universidade do Oregon, nos Estados Unidos, tornou-se no primeiro atleta com paralisia cerebral a assinar contrato com a Nike.

Na fita da meta da sua meia-maratona, Justin Gallegos, de 20 anos, foi supreendido por um responsável da Nike que quis entregar-lhe o contrato pessoalmente. Cereja no topo do bolo: Gallegos acabou a prova com o impressionante tempo de 2h03min49s.

“Para quem cresceu com uma deficiência, a ideia de vir a ser um atleta profissional era, como já disse antes, comparável a escalar o Everest”, disse ao partilhar a notícia do contrato no seu Instagram.

“É definitivamente possível, mas as probabilidades não estão de todo a teu favor. O trabalho árduo recompensa, acrescentou.

A propósito do novo contrato do seu filho, Brett Gallegos elogiou a força de vontade de Justin e recordou que este começou a correr caía muitas vezes e passava vida com os joelhos esfolados e em sangue



Today on world Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day, I reached a milestone in my running journey! Today I made Nike history and became the very first athlete with Cerebral Palsy to sign a contract with Nike! You don’t realize how realistic and emotional your dreams are until they play out before your very eyes! Signing this contract was a huge success for me and I would not have made it without my friends and family and teammates! This was perhaps the most emotional moment in my seven years of running! Growing up with a disability, the thought of becoming a professional athlete is as I have said before like the thought of climbing Mt. Everest! It is definitely possible, but the odds are most definitely not in your favor! Hard work pays off! Hundreds of miles, blood, sweat, and tears has lead me here along with a few permanent scars! But the journey is damn sure not over!!! Looking back, I would guess there is only a few select people who would see me were I am today! I have gone through just about everything in the book to be where I am today! I was once a kid in leg braces who could barely put on foot in front of the other! Now I have signed a contract with Nike Running! Trust the process! And most of all trust in God! God is good! Thank you to all my friends, family, and teammates on running club, and now a brand new atmosphere on teammates with Nike! This moment will live forever! Thank you everyone for helping show the world that there is No Such Thing As A Disability! #ProfessionalAthlete #SWOOSH #Nike72 #NikeTrackandField #NikeXC #ThereIsNoFinishLine #StrongerEveryMile #NoSuchThingAsADisability #NikeRunning #Limitless #Breaking2 Video Credits: @elevation0m

Uma publicação partilhada por Justin "Magic" Gallegos (@zoommagic) a